Leadership Coaching

You got your big break. This is what you’ve dreamed about, but you want to be careful. You want to succeed with your soul intact.

New leaders seldom stop to think about keeping their lives in balance. The most successful will have a plan from the start, set clear boundaries, and take deliberate steps to grow in every sphere of their lives.

We can help. Our 4 step Accelerator process helps you align your professional, personal, and spiritual goals with your gifts, abilities, and deeply held core values. We want you to have the fullest, most successful life possible.

1) Know Yourself

If you want to be true to yourself as you grow and develop as a leader, you must first know yourself. Through a time of personal discovery and reflection, we’ll investigate your strengths, weaknesses, gifts, skills, experience, talents, interests, and passions. What are your communication and leadership style? We’ll look at your core values, your deepest held beliefs that serve as a foundation for everything you do. We’ll assess your life balance and alignment.

2) Define Your Objectives

We’ll develop a clear and compelling vision for leadership in your life that resonates with who you are. What kind of leader do you want to be? What are your dreams for the future? What are your hopes? How are these things affected by your core values and strengths?

3) Chart Your Course

The third step is to develop a plan to move you towards your goals. We’ll identify long term objectives and intermediate steps on the way to move you in the right direction. We’ll keep an eye on your life balance, making sure all area’s of your life are getting the appropriate attention.

4) Navigate the Course

The final step is execution. We’ll start the journey together, face obstacles, and keep you accountable to your plans. We’ll make course adjustments along the way, knowing you cannot foresee everything that will come.